get carried away

Sex and the City - här är postern för filmen. Längtar... men ändå inte.. man kommer ju vilja ha mer.. och mer .. mycket vill ha mer.


Anonym sa…
Boken du tipsar om, innehåller den mkt bilder från hus i New England stil? eller är det mer en praktisk bok med råd inför husköpt osv?
mvh Anna
Pernilla sa…
Åh vad jag längtar till filmen!!! Verkligen! Håller med dig, det blir ngt slags antiklimax...
Annika sa…
Jag ser verkligen framemot att se filmen! Det blir en riktig lyxstund i biofåtöljen! Det ryktas redan om en uppföljare, så har vi tur så... :)
Sara sa…
Jag längtar också efter filmen, otroligt mycket ! :)
Åh den vill jag också se!!
Å jag längtar också!!!!!!!!!!!
Helt galen i Sex and the city...

Fina bilder du visar!

Kram Jes
dreamhouse sa…
anna: nej den handlar om en känd inredningsstylist som renoverar och inreder huset. Hittade en synopsis om vad den handlar om, se nedan. xx


For 28 years the world-renowned interior designer Bunny Williams has been involved in a passionate love affair with an18th-century New England manor house that she found in sad repair. From the moment she walked up the driveway and her palms began to perspire, Williams knew she wanted the affair to last forever. In her sumptuous new book, An Affair with a House, the venerable decorator describes in detail how she and her husband, antiques dealer John Rosselli, rescued, nurtured, renovated, and decorated the well-worn house, giving it new life as they restored each room, resurrected the abandoned gardens, and filled this weekend home with family and friends.

Through photographs, anecdotes, how-tos, and recipes, Williams provides a rare inside look at a top decorator's retreat and explains how she approached the joys, pleasures, challenges, obstacles, and day-to-day realities of creating a beautiful, comfortable country home. An Affair with a House provides a wealth of advice on interior decor and such topics as mixing design styles, but it also addresses such practical matters as stocking the pantry and outfitting the linen closet. Beautiful photographs of the house, the gardens, and the property's rustic structures provide an intimate glimpse of the couple's lifestyle and illustrate a way of life we can all appreciate and learn from.

annika: hoppas sannerligen du har rätt!!

alla: härligt med fler anhängare! love it! xx

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